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MyCredy is a free comparison platform that allows you to choose between different loan options. Remember that the overview of lenders does not include all loan options offered in Lithuania.

We have helped hundreds of thousands of visitors compare the prices of financial products and find useful information about money management and the economy. We are constantly improving and expanding into other markets, and our main goal is the desire to become the largest loan and financial product comparison service in the world.

MyCredy offers a free price comparison service that makes it easy to find the cheapest or best option for the search user. The results of the comparison first always show the consumer the cheapest option on the market. We receive commissions from some of the offers on the site, but this does not affect our price comparison results, which are completely independent of that.

Lenders can be compared in the following categories:

We want MyCredy customers to be able to easily navigate the loan market and make the right and smart decisions after evaluating all the nuances of the loan, including their ability to repay the loan.

Our mission

Mūsų misija - visiems padėti rasti pigiausią įmanomą paskolos opciją. Prieš įsipareigodamas, visados palygink finansinius produktus su MyCredy.

Mūsų vizija

Mūsų vizija - tapti labiausiai rekomenduojamu skaitmeninių finansinių paslaugų teikėju visose šalyse, kuriose veikiame.

Mūsų vertybės

Mūsų vertybės - mūsų veiklos pagrindas. Tai, ką mes darome kiekvieną dieną yra išties svarbu.

  • Atsakomybė - mums reiškia tai, jog kliento interesus visuomet priimame kaip savus, ir padedame juos įgyvendinti.
  • Kompetencija - mums reiškia profesionalumą, darbo išmanymą ir nuolatinį tobulėjimą.
  • Patikimumas - mums reiškia pažadų laikymąsi, problemų sprendimą, o ne atsikalbinėjimą ar kaltų paieškas.

We do not endorse any particular product or advertising on the site, or any specific brand. All the information offered is intended solely and exclusively to enable you to make the right choice in the field of credit. We hope to help you choose the most beneficial lender, saving you time and money, as all the necessary information is available on one MyCredy website. If you have any questions, please contact our contact department.

Choose a credit online and get money in a bank account!