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Lån fra flere banker hos Uno finans. Registrering og søknad om lån på det offisielle nettstedet www.unofinans.no

Unofinans.no - fordeler

Lånebeløp: 10 000 kr - 800 000 kr Tid for å motta: 1 dag Nedbetaling: 12 måneder - 15 år Søk om lån

Selskaps data

Selskaps navnUno Finans AS
AdresseGrensen 12B, 0159 Oslo
Telefonnummer40 00 51 60
Mandag - Fredag8:00 - 20:00 (Fredag: 8:00 - 18:00)
Lørdag9:00 - 17:00
Søndag10:00 - 18:00
Besøk selskapet

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Overview of Uno Finans

Borrow up to 500,000 for whatever you want. What the money is used for is up to you. We find the loan with the lowest interest rate. Repayment period up to 15 years if you are to refinance.

Uno Finans is a financial agent that is largely owned by our employees. We assist in arranging different types of loans from several banks and financial institutions to private individuals. Including:

  • Consumer loans;
  • Mortgages (including refinancing);
  • Debt and credit refinancing;
  • Interim financing;
  • Mortgages for people without a permanent job.

Effective interest rate 12.71%, SEK 150,000 o / 5 years, cost SEK 49,237, a total of SEK 199,237.

This is how it works

  • Fill out the form;
  • We talk to the banks;
  • You receive the best offer;
  • The money is paid out.

Cheapest consumer loans

There are many banks that offer consumer loans, and finding out which bank offers the cheapest consumer loan is both confusing and time-consuming if you try yourself. Uno Finans collaborates with several banks that offer consumer loans, and updates interest rates, installment plans and conditions - so that we can help you find the cheapest consumer loan available!

What factors affect getting the cheapest consumer loan?

Short repayment period

  • The longer you have an outstanding amount on which interest accrues, the more money this will mean for the final sum of the costs. Choosing a long-term repayment because it gives the lowest monthly amount, and is comfortable - is therefore often the same as choosing the most expensive consumer loan. Not because others cannot be more expensive, but because the interest rate may run longer.

Remember that interest rates are not the only point banks can charge

  • These terms are often difficult to find on the web, and this is one of the reasons why you should apply for a consumer loan through a loan agent. Our job is to have an overview of all this, and to take this into account so that you get a correct picture of what the consumer loan will actually cost you.

What does refinancing mean?

Refinancing a loan means that you take out a loan to replace other existing loans, or that you collect debts and credits in one and the same loan from one lender. By doing this you will get a better overview of your costs, but also more predictability and lower monthly costs.

You can refinance several different types of debt, such as mortgages and consumer loans. For some, refinancing will also be necessary to pay bills that are on their way to debt collection.

How does refinancing work?

A refinancing is handled by the bank that offers this. In practice, the bank pays down the debt or the credits and bills you already have, and issues a new loan to you. If, for example, you want to refinance three credit cards, the bank will pay them down and you will then be issued one loan instead of three credit card bills. This is not a loan where you receive the money and dispose of it yourself, but a loan where you pay back to the bank monthly for them to pay down your other expenses.

How to refinance loans?

Applying for refinancing of small loans is easy at Uno Finans. All you have to do is fill out our application form and we will take care of the rest.

We recommend that you do the following in advance:

  • Find the invoices for the small loans that have accumulated.
  • Calculate how much it costs to pay them.
  • Use our calculator for refinancing and find out how much you can save per month.

By sending the application through us, it is communicated to several banks that offer loans in the order of magnitude for which you want refinancing. We then present you with the best offer the banks are willing to give.

Uno Finans anmeldelser


Veldig gode forhold og alt er klart .. det er ingen skjulte forhold

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